Posted by: kdcwilliams | April 11, 2013

Reflection on Blogging

I have long planned to get on the blogging bandwagon.  But I always found a good excuse not to do it…. Too busy, too much work to do, too tired…  I have been asked many times:  “What’s your blog, I’d like to read things that you have shared.”  It was always with a bit of embarrassment that I answered:  “I’m working on it…”.  Well, now no more excuses, I’m doing it.

George Couros writes that blogging is own “journal” helps him to slow down and focus. I have always been reticent to be “present” on the web.  The idea of sharing so publicly my personal opinions and ideas has always been daunting.  I do really treasure my privacy.  On the other hand, I love telling stories and sharing projects that I am working on with my class.  Blogging seems like a great way to share ideas, successes, failures and aspirations.  I do believe that it will make me accountable and keep me more focused. If you write on your blog about a great initiative you want to pursue, well if you don’t do it, someone is bound to call you on it.

More and more it becomes important to have a positive digital footprint.  Creating your blog is a good way to start.  George Couros mentions that he Googles his own blog to help him reflect and move forward.  I find it hard to imagine that one day I will reach that point but I have also heard from many teachers that once you start blogging you can’t stop.

I greatly enjoy learning and sharing with others.  I am most inspired after spending a day at a conference meeting new people and getting fresh ideas. I do believe that blogging is a great way to break the isolation we often feel as teachers and continue the sharing once we have returned to our classrooms.

Teaching being a fast moving and never ending job, it sometimes is important to take time to pause and reflect on what has worked, what didn’t and what could be improved.  As George Couros said:  “If we do not take time to look back, how will we ever be able to move forward?”


  1. Great post! I sense there’s an authentic teacher and writer here. I hope it inspires you, and a few readers, to move forward along the connected educator continuum. I think it will! Now, if I only had time to update my own blog…

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